ORGANIZATION & COMPUTING SA is the oldest software development company in Northern Greece and is one of the most recognizable brand names in the field of health information technology today. Using the most up-to-date tools, constantly widens its market share while expanding its operations into new areas of IT, laying a solid foundation for the future.
- 30 years of experience in software development
- 20 years of experience in specialized Hospital applications
- Highly functional applications and continuous development by using the latest development tools
- Interface and interoperability with third-party applications
- Continuous training of staff in new technologies
- Constant expansion of clientele, applications, employees, collaborations
- Friendly and dedicated support customized to user’s needs

Πανεπιστημιακό ΓΝ Ηρακλείου ΠΑΓΝΗ


ΓΝ Χανίων "Ο Άγιος Γεώργιος"

ΓΝ Ηρακλείου ''Βενιζέλειο Πανάνειο''

ΓΚ Καβάλας

ΓΝ Σερρών

ΓΝ Μυτιλήνης

ΓΝ Ξάνθης

ΓΝ Βέροιας

ΓΝ Ρεθύμνου

ΓΝ Γιαννιτσών

ΓΝ Κιλκίς

ΓΝ Σπάρτης

ΓΝ Χαλκιδικής

ΓΝ Έδεσσας

ΓΝ Σύρου

ΓΝ Αγίου Νικολάου

Θεραπευτήριο Ψυχικών Παθήσεων Χανίων
Our team

Software Engineer
Vasilis D